Images by Nancy Margulies
Thursday News
Friday News
- The Power of the Word Silja J.A. Talvi
- Big-Ass Questions Matt Thompson
- Opening Night Questions
- Our companies ourselves: our jouranlism Why are we so pissed off? Dale Peskin
- What Are Commons Models? How they can be built and sustained? Lew Friedland
- Is the fun gone? Ralph Gage
- Faith-Based Media vs. Fact-based media / Advocacy journalism Dan Gillmor/Jonathan Lawson
- What can the elders in journalism and the newcomers in journalism learn from one another? Chris Peck
- Citizen Journalism Eric Nelson & Linda Grdina
- Healthy Journalists/ What does a day in the life of a healthy journalism organization look and feel like?? Jane Elle Stevens
- How do we reconcile what’s interesting to the public with what’s in the public interest? Melinda Wittstock/Jan Schaffer
- Continuation of the discussion on potential sustainable economic models for various media Lisa Cohen
- Evening News (graphic report)
- What’s Next? (graphic report)
Saturday News
- Saturday morning (graphic report)
- What is journalism? Matt Thompson
- Is Journalism Without Advertising Possible? Chris Peck
- How to render America’s crumbling master narrative as journalism? Jan Schaffer
- Opportunities For Change Melinda Wittstock
- A proposal for a West Oakland neighborhood Web site as part of the Oakland Tribune Jan Stevens
- Let’s Make Up New Storytelling Forms Nora Paul
- What I want J-Schools to be teaching students Sue Ellen Christian
- Saturday PM reflections (graphic report)
- Exploring a New Economic Model for a Newsroom Built on Community-Based, Interactive Journalism
- “Journalism that Matters”
- “Journalism that Matters” 2.0
- Blogs & Website Resources (graphic report)
Sunday: What’s Next?
- New Interactive Formats For Journalism As Conversation Melinda Wittstock
- Brainstorm Citizen Journalism Initiative Ken Sands
- Establish Journalism Day of Atonement Dale Peskin
- How to sustain the energy and connectedness of the group so as to generate action? Jim Shaffer
- “Co-op Newsroom” Jonathan Lawson
- End of Meeting Reflections (graphic report)