Category Archives: Plenary
Sunday: Imagine an Engagement Community of Practice
Following a review of all of the notes and related materials created at Elevate Engagement, conference participants used Playdoh and a skit to imagine a thriving engagement community of practice. Yes, we took us away from words to express those aspects … Continue reading
Sunday: Nut graphs from our notes
During our last day, the conference focus shifted from How can we elevate engagement so that communities thrive? to How can we as a community of practice elevate engagement so that each of us and all of us thrive? We began the … Continue reading
Conference Themes from student reporters
ELEVATE ENGAGEMENT 2017 THEMES Dear Friends, Nine of us attending Elevate Engagement happily took on the task of paying close attention to what was said and documenting the emerging themes. We were participant observers, meaning that we were not on … Continue reading
Saturday: Pro Action Cafe Sessions
On Saturday afternoon, people came forward to host sessions on initiatives they wanted to move to action. Their topics are listed here. A transcript of the a one word “summary” and the first next step from the session hosts are below. See video … Continue reading
Elevate Engagement: The Graphic Recording
#PDXengage17 as seen through the eyes of graphic recorder Nitya Wakhlu (with some help from Taylyn Harmon).
PHOTOS: Seven projects
Seven people in total agree to do action follow-ups. A recording of the discussions does not exist because Bill Densmore accidentally erased it rather than saving it. We’ll fill in the details and provide links shortly. Ben DeJarnette: I commit … Continue reading
The #PDXengage17 Hashtag Report
Here are the #PDXengage17 hashtag reports in two forms: Raw and clustered data in spreadsheet form (zip contains several excel document): Report in PDF form: