Submitted by montanacate on Mon, 09/13/2010 – 7:33pm
Journalism That Matters is pleased to announce the first public meeting of a JTM initiative in a series of public initiative meetings scheduled monthly from September through July 2011.
The Puget Sound Civic Communications Commons is holding an open discussion Friday, September 24, from 3 pm to 6 pm at the Seattle Center House in Seattle. The meeting is being held to update the community on the progress of the Commons and examine how the Commons will serve as an information hub and conversation place for news topics in the Puget Sound region. The discussion, which is part of a larger three-day initiative development meeting, is sponsored by “The Next Fifty and Seattle Center Foundation.”
Friday’s meeting will be lead by guest moderator Lewis A. Friedland, professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and author of Public Journalism, and Civic Innovation in America. The question the discussion will center around is: In what ways could an online civic commons contribute to the well-being of our communities?
Attendance is limited to 50 people, so please contact JTM to get on the list of attendees and join some of the following JTM members who will be attending, including: Matt Rosenberg from Countywide Community Forums of King County, Pam Kilborne-Miller from the Connecting for Change Program and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, Lief Utne, VP of Community Development of Zanby, and Rod Wittmier, founder of VetsMeetVets.