
How do we train teachers effectively for news/media literacy?

Training teachers for news literacy —

Those Present:
Steve Fox, UMass-Amherst
Tom Eveslage, Temple
Faith Rogow
Diana Lautenberg
Amy Eisman
Kelly Lohitney
Mike RobbGrieco
Jeannine Cook
Renee Hobb
Nuala Cabral
Kristin Hokanson

Conversation Recording
“How do we get teachers out of their comfort zones?”

Diana — teachers are pushed to the max on other issues — at elem and high schools. As a nation we don’t value critical thought right now.

Kelly — policies governing children have to change?

Diana — way that students receive information has changed 3-4 times already. A number of teachers know that they’re not giving students what they need with critical thinking.

Renee — Inquiry model drives media literacy. Engaged teachers leave in first five years. A larger proportion of motivated change agents get pushed out. Teachers don’t get to see inquiry model. Colleges make it difficult for discussions.

Steve — how do we fight through the notion that professor is expert?

Amy — how do we get buy-in into something that is new. Education about the changing consumer is key here.

Diana — listening to students is a big part of the process. School values what students have to say. It’s a little messy.

Amy — why do you have to change?

Diana — relevancy is the key.

Thomas — Tempe established teaching academy about 12 years ago — in touch with people who care about teaching. Talking to people who cared and developing a teaching learning center at Temple. Shifting the focus from teaching to learning. Opened my eyes that students learn differently. It’s raised the profile and focus on how students are learning. Part of it shift in thinking to where students are focus.

Diana — problems with public school systems — funding, equipment…

Renee — some problems trickle down from Ed schools.

Diana — students are drivers alot of the time

Stephen — creativity and ambiguity are not honored. We want the outside world kept at bay. We want organization and certainty in classrooms. Diminishes the value of ambiguity.

Amy — news media going through same thing.

Stephen — news media is canary in coal mine. Are economics so fundamentally changed? How do we keep the car on the road?

Diana — students telling stories? Is there a space?

Renee — how do we create a space?

Kristin — make it relevant. GPS makes longitude and latitude pertinent.


Jeannine — “community orgs/community center”. A place that is not regulated and you can come in and to things. In one day you’re giving them enough — takes extra effort and determination to do it.

Renee — teachers can take groups of students out to work on newspapers/magazines. Capitalize on out of classroom experiences.

Is there a way to do out of classroom experiences with news orgs?

Amy — Is there a Knight proposal — Wednesday digital update? Interactive possibilities? Partner with local news org?

Faith — two ideas:
1. make a part of the teaching requirement, instead of prepare a lesson plan, I want you to include how you model this value —
2. script teachers to be inquiry-based. Script a way to ask questions.

Diana — make it part of literacy in high schools and elem schools.

Kelly — perilous alarmist stuff about internet doesnt help. A way to engage teachers — national writing project? How do we affect policy? Integrated across curriculum.

Is it possible to get a Wiki or Blog off the ground centered around this topic. Video submissions? UK has Teachers.Tv — how-to videos on teaching and teaching media literacy. Learn a lot about teaching methods — creating online community. Problems with online communit would be lack of comfort by teachers.

Faith — Coaching is critical. The goal of a good batting coach is not to make everyone have the same swing but to make everyone a good hitter. So how can I tweak what this player is doing to make them better. There is no such perfect swing that everyone should have. Moving along the continuum. Begin the process.

Thomas — learning is important. High school journalism — those engaged are succeeding. Student press and student as community. School as community is a way to bring this closer to students.

Mike — Teacher education for pre-service? Where do you learn things/how do you learn things/how do you make room for this? Opening up inquiry process — what turned you on as a learner?