How can we convince decision-makers that the type of engagement work we have been talking about here is worth the investment?

  • Have the confidence to push back
  • Engagement/digital should not be relegated to the end of the chain
  • We need to create an information pipeline with the editors
  • Pitch meetings, get looped into the pitch process
  • The type of engagement needed is baked into the storytelling process, this falls on reporters over editors
  • We need time for this engagement
  • Have a proof of concept for your story
  • Having a facilitator who can work with stakeholders for a story

Notes by Taylyn Washington-Harmon
Social Media Editor
O: 617-929-2816
M: 708-368-6051

About Ashley Alvarado

@KPCC Manager, Public Engagement | @PublicInsight Journalist | Los Cabos Mag Editor | @USCAnnenberg Grad | @JTMStream Board | #UnheardLA | #PDXengage17
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