Convenor: Chelsea Conoboy- UNH
Reporter: Rochelle Stewart-UNH
- Sara Paulsworth -UNH
- Amanda Klimiata-USNH
- Karen Testa- AP
- Adam Gorlick- AP
- Geoff Gevalt-AP
- Lisa Arsenault-UNH
-Editing is important. It encourages us not to close our eyes.
-No one will realize a great story with out a great editor.
-AP newspeople end up editing each other.
-entry level copy editing positions are often a good place to start at.
-every cross roads provide an opportunity
-helpful when editor begins as a reporter or writer cause they can relate to the writer better
-put your all into everything that you do, even the little stories that can wind up on the obituary page
-“write the hell out of a story”
-each time you enter a news room, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk or run.
-people that are good reporters don’t always make the best editors
-people in this field want to do it well
-have to challenge the stories without challenging the people
-no one is going to write the story the way you would