Key emerging questions — JTM-Denver Day 1 (Wednesday)


Here is a rough fast transcription of the way participants in JTM-Denver have answered two key questions:

What’s your intention for this gathering; What’s the question that called you here?

What’s the best possible outcome you can imagine from being together?

Ted Anthony from AP: How can journalism serve as a guide to the complex stories of persuasion that are thrown at people every day

Julie Poppen: How to exand the reach of a small highwuality regional news source without spending a fortune?

Kindle , CHF, What does successful journalism look like and how can we work together with journalists

Rob Williams from Champlain College in Vermont and Vermont Commons News Journal: Reimaging journalism, reinventing news at #jtmdenver.

Laura Frank: Comment to be added later.

Brett Family Foundation: How do we pay everybody through the 21st into the 22nd century?

Peter Michaels, National Institute for Civil Discourse, how do young people under the age of 30 get their great radio tv news and how much information do they want?

Cara DeGette: Colorado Public News, The impossible dream, a clean, clear orkable business model to spport journalism.

Lark Corbeil, hybrid Public News Service, soundbite services, how can we get beyond tax status to support a virbrant engaged democracy with pensions for all.

Pam, development, Ryder university, How do we prepare future journalists for the every changing landscape of journalism.

Tom ryder, what are the new models for journalismthat are provably effecive and sustainable.

Michelle Ferrier , how do we make visible theinvislle evolving news ecosystem has tag media deserts.

Maral Crocket, NCDD, What really has died in journalims and has it been buried fully and what is emerging in terms of public-engage practices.

Emily Geurin: How do you ell long form policy stories in a useful way on a tight budget?

Rita Andolson, NBC affiliate in Cleveland, how do we as journalists find ways to engage a fragmented audience and how do we definie engagement

Jill Zimon, What practices in journalism made peope feel positively about it and how can we do more of that.

DU student, how will current students fit into the future of journalism?

Dan Mounthrop, Civic Comons, can engagement communtiyand transparency provide a future model for jouranlsm? Maybe says optimistic,skeptic.

Margie Thompson, was journalist in central America, what are creave ways to building through jornlaism international interactive culture links that are true.

Kelly McBride, we wrote a new code of ethics with a lot of help over the course of a year, now we are wonding if it will wrk?

Sabrian Raoch, Brown Paper Tickets, Let’s spread the low power FM opportunity and how it can hepi innovative and make other forms of journalism relevant and sustainable.

Cassie, DU studet, what skills should student journalists acquire to work in the journalism field

Brendan, DU student, journalism is dead says YouTube stars and bloggers.

Josh Wolf, how can we build an economically sustainable news ecology. Journalists should nto be an endangered species.

Megan, DU, what is the future of journalism because I really need a job when I graduate

Lynn Clark – How will those of us here empower people to be story gatherers, sharers and listeners

Jennifer Leamon – grad student, how do we deal with the aggregate monster, original reporting and accuracy.

Michael Ross – editos Media Ethics magazine – how can we move boh the profesion and lager society past present infatuation with information and get into the realm of knowledge and with luck wisdowm.

Dave Gordon, Chippewa Valley Post, seeking ideas, contats and funding sources. And if I weren’t a dinosaor that’s what I would tweet.

Mary Tracy, Minneapolis, freelance writer, Wheres the beef, who’s hungry, wheres the content, who needs it.

Paul Voakes, what is this ecology of Colrado journalism and how can ornalism educators understand and contribute to its vitality

Michael Fancer, how can I, we nelp people want to crate journalism?

Tom Glaisyer — what common services could best serve diverse local journalism ecosystems?

Anne Imse, editor CPN, how can we build community support in cash, volunteers and subscribers.

Michelle Fuhcer, Univ. of Colo – How do we tach aspirint joralsts not just the skills but the thought process that would make them ealdes in its development.

Gregory Smith, Province Journal, What si enlightenmen? Looking for alternative ideas, forms and platforms.

Russ Baker, New York, founder of

Sue Salinger, engeagemen consltant, with nos tardsrds for digital prsentation how will todays stories anddigital storytelling become tomorrow’s history.

Easha Williams, do you have examples of local journalism making a difference

Tom STites, Banyan Project, a new business model based on cooperative ownership, big question at jtmdenver; how do we get funding for new jornalism ventures (true for Banyan Project, too).


Doug conoroe, North Forty, can community joruanlism survive?

Kevin Dale, news director, Denver post, I’m hear to learn about the discussions andhow they might integrate int the post.

Dan Petty, social media director at the Post, How do we identify and balance what our audienes want and demand vs. what we know the publc needs to knw andhow dowe reconcile that.

Venessa, masters at the u, environmental policy, journalism that mattrs how can we play this essential role to tackle the vibrant problems of today for a just and sustainable for omorrow.

Prometehues, how can we help to spread th word about opportunity create hundreds of radio stations?

Barbara Mahar Smith, with so man voices sefl publishing do citizens need gatekeepers anymore?

Callie Carswell, High Country News, Have the fundamnentals of what our audience values really canged that much, i.e are we really as lost as we think.


Tony Shawcross:



Stephen Silha: How do we make fact checking something everyone can do?


Peggy Holman: Who are JTMs partners for engaging and makin visible what’s emerging in the news and journalism ecosystem>