Here is a roster of students from the University of Denver who will be participating in Journalism That Matters at specific times on Wednesday and Thursday, as shown.
10 – 12 Online & Visual Journalism w/ Christof Demont-Heinrich
- Bockhorst, Jacob
- Griffin, Kaitlyn
- Pinkerton, Elizabeth
- Poore, Laren
- Redlingshafer, Catherine
- Rosenfeld, Emily
- Tseng, Hsing
- Sehr, Megan
- Fry, William
2 – 4 Newswriting & Reporting w/Jim Broesemer
- Beisanz, Molly
- Engemoen, Kelly
- D’Argonne, Sawyer
- Douglas, Mary
- Foersterling, Jack
- Heidt, Alison
- Okubo, Lindsey
- Ryan, Anthony
- Schmitt, Julia
- Sharon, Karen
- Stafford, Taylor
- Street, Michael
- Stump, Micah
- Uland, Savanna
4 – 6 Advanced Multimedia Storytelling w/Laressa Watlington & Qualitative Research Methods w/Lynn Schofield Clark
- Bowman, Emily
- Bullock, Miles
- Dickman, Haley
- Jaeger, Kersten
- Owens, Annie
- Saenz, Mireya
- Tanita, Kameryn
- Gilchrist, Megan
- Gleiforst, Merle
- Heath, Brittany
- Jackson, Shannon
- Ketchum, Daniel
- Lautzenheiser-Page, Maggie
- Lynch, Emma
- Morgan, Jessie
9 – 11 Networked Journalism with Andy Matranga
- Bowman, Emily
- Ciseneros, Makayla
- Crocombe-Crane, Alexia
- Douglas, Mary
- Ferrero, Michael
- Melikian, Olivia
- Moore, Carly
- Perlmutter, Tyler
- Rohn, Brenda
- Selincourt, Samantha
- Van Vechten, Kelsey
- Wetzler, Ally
11:45 – 1:30: South High students with Lynn Schofield Clark, Badiah Haffejee, Grace Chiou, and Maggie Lautzenheiser-Page
- Ezana Alem
- Abel Fitum
- Karim Soumah
- Abukar Abdiazziz
Those for whom this is an extra credit assignment (we’ll write their names in at registration):
- Students in Derigan Silver’s Law course (25)
- Students in Fred Brown’s Media ethics course (25)