Measuring “Polarization and Consensus” Within Community Engagement

Host: John Spady, Seattle, Founder of the National Dialogue Network (, Twitter: @JSpady; Facebook: /JSpady

Participants: Amber Rivera, Bruce Poinsette, Miro Merrill, Rachel Damgen, Kathryn Langstaff

Notes (limited):
1) Capturing routine feedback of participant values and opinions during broad scale community engagement provides unexpected and significant insights into what participants have in common and which demographic/psychographic groups of participant were more or less likely to engage and participate.

2) Feedback from participants after face-to-face and online engagement, and its unbiased analysis afterwards, improves understanding of the effectiveness of engagement, and engagement strategies, within diverse communities.

Infographic describing proprietary PC-Rating™:
Keywords: consensus, engagement, metrics, measures, surveys, opinions, values

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