Thursday, October 1, 2015
Registration 8:00am – 6:00 pm
8:00 – 9:00am Breakfast for pre-conference workshop participants
8:30am – 2:30pm Pre-conference workshops
What is possible when the public and journalists engage to support communities to thrive?
Thursday, October 1, 2015: Understanding the contexts
Purpose: To create a great space for our work together.
3:00 pm Welcome (Webcast)
Introductions and aspirations
We’ll lay the groundwork for a working conference by getting a sense of who’s in the room and what we hope to accomplish.
Visit the Innovation Expo: What’s happening in community engagement?
Participants share their work through informal table displays and conversations. Together, the tables create a metaphorical map of innovations in the news and information ecosystem.
For information on hosting a table, contact us at jtm(at)
5:15 – 6:15 pm Circulating dinner
Buffet style, with plenty of opportunity for networking. Knives optional! Eat with one hand, hold your plate in the other, and keep circulating, or settle at one of the tables.
6:30pm A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives on Engagement (Webcast)
We’ll consider real-world community engagement challenges through multiple points of view, such as journalism, art, community engagement practice, civic life scholarship, and evaluation. Some of the “lenses” of the kaleidoscope:
Artistry: S. Renee Mitchell
Community journalism: Ashley Alvarado
Community engagement practice: Carol Daniel Kasbari
Community storytelling: Laura Lo Forti
News editing: Lizzie Acker
Evaluation: Yve Susskind
Civic engagement scholarship: Regina Lawrence
Continuing the conversation
We’ll cross-pollinate ideas among our diverse participants to build on the opening perspectives.
8:30 pm Adjourn
Friday, October 2: Possibilities Day: Explore/design ideas/projects
Purpose: To explore a wide range of possibilities at the intersection of journalism, civic engagement, and impact
Structure: We’ll use “Open Space Technology” to set the agenda with breakout sessions hosted by participants on the topics of their choice.
Outcome: Topics of most interest explored in-depth. Individual and collective ideas about how news and information in civic life can be most impactful begin to take shape.
8:00am Buffet breakfast and networking
9:00am Morning reflections, agenda creation (Webcast)
10:30am Breakout Sessions, round 1
Noon – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Breakout Sessions, round 2
2:30pm Breakout Sessions, round 3
4:00-5:00pm Evening News: Highlights from the day (Webcast)
5:30-6:30pm Dinner
6:30 – 8:30 pm A Community Conversation:
What’s the Story of Inclusive Competitiveness? (Webcast)
We’ll be joined by members of the local community to consider a topic under discussion in Portland using a conversational practice called The World Cafe.
Saturday, October 3: Design-Build Day: What are our next steps?
Purpose: To provide space for taking action on initiatives that have life beyond this event.
Outcomes: Ideas generated, partnerships formed, current initiatives revitalized, new initiatives identified.
8:00am Buffet breakfast and networking
9:00am Morning reflections, agenda creation (Webcast)
9:30am Breakout Sessions, round 4
10:45am Breakout Sessions, round 5
12:00pm Afternoon News – session highlights (Webcast)
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Pro-action Cafe (Webcast from 4:30 of the closing harvest)
Turn ideas into action through diving in more deeply into your next steps.
5:00pm Adjourn
Sunday, October 4: Bringing it on home
Purpose: We’ll surface common themes and make agreements for what’s next, notably with the “interactive field guide”.
Outcome: A good time had by all, with a renewed sense of purpose, deepened connections, new ideas, a wider network of friends, and the beginnings of an interactive guide for the field.
8:00am Breakfast and networking
9:00am Morning reflections (Webcast)
Imagining an Interactive Field Guide for Engaging Communities
(Webcast from ~11:00am of the harvest)
Be part of shaping Version 1.0 of a community platform and living guide to allow participants to discover, use, and contribute resources about what works to connect media professionals and communities. The platform will also catalyze the network of people working on the leading edge of journalism, communication and civic engagement. In essence, the Field Guide will be a digital agora of resources for storytellers and other media practitioners engaging with their communities to serve the public good.
Closing reflections (Webcast from ~11:30am)
12:00pm Adjourn