How can games be used in journalism?

Session Host: Mani Saint-Victor
Reporter: Mani Saint-Victor
Participants: Sandra, Jeffrey,Chris Rabb,Andrew Humphrey


  1. discussion generation

      a. games stimulate discussions around a theme
      b. distribution and amplification simplified

  2. storytelling

      a. games allow for multiple endings

  3. Allow safe exploration around a topic

What are some of the hurdles to game use in journalism?

  1. preconceived notions about games

What shortcomings of the current model of news delivery can be overcome by games?

  1. Attention acquisition and retention
  2. Increased engagement and repeat engagement with concepts

What forms of journalism are better suited for games and which are not?

  1. delivery of urgent and timely information- no
  2. education of backstory, historical information –yes
  3. stories around a theme vs detail and fact intensive stories.
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