Next steps

Next steps

Chris Peck: To take bold steps forward to actually create the new news ecology, new newsroom experiments, we’ve been talking about for the past 9 months.

Joe Howry: To continue the process we’ve started of transforming our newspaper into a new newsroom serving the community in better ways.

Michael Stoll: To continue exploring the connection with purpose: Change the world. Create healthy communities. Solutions look different from a purpose perspective.

Jim Shaffer: I found the intersection of old and new circles here very exciting. I can see myself helping journalists to be entrepreneurs. We can forge specific cooperation between j-schools (specifically U of Nevada and USC) and business schools (specifically Univ. of Southern Maine) so people with an idea can take the next step.

Vikki Porter: I was cynical now I’m inspired. As I bring journalists in to my Center, I have new ideas on how to engage them in conversations that will help them make the transition into the new media environment. What Chris and Jim are saying excites me. (Remember that Knight is going to put out a request for proposals to create Knight community. Deadline Dec. 31. Check

Jack Lindsey: (carrier boy and publisher) I’m helping to facilitate the paradigm shift from print to web for The Christian Science Monitor. 90% web, 10% print is goal. Unlike some, our paper is not going to be sold. How to prove utility as communicator of news? “Rouse the dormant understanding” of what’s really important. Mary Baker Eddy’s motto for the news paper: “Injure no man, and bless all mankind.“ 

Patrick Marx: I will humbly move forward to support healthy journalism serving healthy communities.

Keith Walker: (background in software development) It occurs to me that a PR campaign could be useful for journalists! If general public would understand importance of journalism to democracy. I’m in an engineering society. What if we were to develop gaming simulations for future scenarios: For example, what would the world be like without journalism?

Jane Ellen Stevens: I will keep developing the ReJournalism blog. (It can become a platform for Journalism That Matters.) Get what we’re saying out there. We are working collaboratively to reinvent journalism. I will explore rethinking the journalistic beat structure from solution-oriented approach. Get to gaming by letting people experience issues: e.g. a poverty game.

Sara Stahlberg: I learned much from listening to all of you. I will keep writing, learning, and reporting.

Heather Brandon: Freelance blogger. Hope to find partners, looking for work and looking to make impact in the city. Telling stories that aren’t told. Want to network with existing media outlets, newspaper, and radio station.

Stephen Silha: Help kids on Vashon Island who want to start a newspaper. Figure out how best to continue Journalism That Matters.

Margo Gordon: I’m still overwhelmed with all that’s going on. I’m looking into connecting with University projects. Want to see if I can get the Gates Foundation to look at journalism as a way to affect positive change. 

Josh Wilson: Incredibly fruitful. Newsdesk as an aspiration. Trying to figure out how to support it. Need to scale ambition and identify doable things that advance its principles. I want to continue to do really inspiring journalism: glocal concept. “News you might have missed” service: a grain of sand around which you can make a pearl.

Bruce Wilson, co-founder of Talk Action. (People were smiling so I came here.) Established E Pluribus Media, a virtual news organization. Movement of journalists who cover the Christian right. Scoop. Drupal. Will call someone for my next step.

Steve Brant: Worried that I won’t be able to follow through with my global solutions-based news service. Want to have it be part of a whole. I want to collaborate, not compete, with CS Monitor. Maybe Gates Foundation could fund Journalism That Matters, as well as my project.

Michael Skoler: I will continue to promote and teach ways to get the intelligence of communities into newsrooms. My impression: so many people trying good things on a small scale. Must be some way to support all of them. Be inspired. Conferences take huge amount of work, but what about life beyond?

Vin Crosbie: Connecticut / newscorp. Consulting to publishers/NewMedia. Specialize in business model. Getting people to use the news. Publisher of Willimantic, CT paper. Son of publisher and general manager. Will take some of these ideas into my work.