Can Free Media Sustain Democracy
Discussants: Barry Parr,; John Byrne,; Jeremy Iggers, Twin Cities Media Alliance; Charles Lewis, Center for Public Integrity; David Beers, The Tyee; and Staci Kramer, (not shown in photo above).
Traditional news organizations are banking on advertising to support their web-news efforts. But as print/broadcast revenues and audiences shrink, will web advertising alone support newsrooms? Is that a problem for democracy? What other funding options are possible? Experts who have considered the issue for a decade forecast the future and listen to summit participants’ predictions, needs and initiatives. Convener: Peter Krasilovsky, Krasilovsky Consulting; discussants: Charles Lewis, Center for Public Integrity; Barry Parr,; David Beers, The Tyee; John Byrne,; Jeremy Iggers, Twin Cities Media Alliance and Staci Kramer,