1. Barr, Christopher, senior editorial director, Yahoo! Inc., 408-336-0241, cbarr@yahoo-inc.com
2. Boyer, John ilmworks inc., 1101 30th St NW Suite 500 / Washington, DC 20007 / 202.625.4396 / cell: 703-980-3337 / john@ilmworks.org / www.ilmworks.org
3. Chang, Suzi / photographer and filmmaker / originator, “Tsumani Love Soup Project” / 3526 Geary Blvd. / San Francisco CA 94118 / Tel: 415-701-7894 / worldsuzi@gmail.com / seeks working on youth news engagement
4. Cohn, David / 33 Pearl St., Apt. 12 / San Francisco CA 94103 / dcohn1@gmail.com / http://www.digidave.org / 310-365-3600 / AssignmentZero.net editor / works with Jeff Jarvis at CUNY J-School
5. Demushkane, Alex, citizen publisher, local media entrepreneur
6. Densmore, Bill / Director / Media Giraffe Project and co-convener Journalism That Matters / Journalism Program / 108 Bartlett Hall / Univ. of Mass. / Amherst MA 01003 / o: 413-577-5370 c: 413-458-8001 / Densmore@journ.umass.edu / http://newshare.typepad.com/about.html
7. Derickson, Rosella, co-director, South Bay Organizational Development Network / principal, Corporate Wisdom, executive-development and management training / www.corporate-wisdom.com / 831-239-9192 / Krista@sbodn.com / http://www.corporate-wisdom.com/bios.html
8. Freedberg, Louis / Director / California Media Project / CaliforniaMedia.org / (referred by Linda Jue/David Talbot) / lfreedberg@californiamedia.org / San Francisco / former editorial writer, and Washington correspondent, S.F. Chronicle http://www.gradethenews.org/2007/decline.htm / http://www.justicejournalism/org/fellowshiops/fellows/racial/2005_louis_freedberg.html
9. Gelman, Lauren / Executive Director / Center for Internet and Society / Stanford Univ., Palo Alto.
10. Gillmor, Dan / professor, Arizona State Univ., fellow Berkman Center / ex-SJM columnist / 23 Everett Street, Second Floor / Cambridge MA 02138 / dan@gillmor.com
11. Gross, Robin, attorney, founder IPJustice.org / former IP attorney with Electronic Frontier Foundation, member ICANN’s GNSO policy council for non-commercial users / San Francisco.
12. Hassan, Sarah, Ilmworks, Inc. / 1101 30th St NW Suite 500 / Washington, DC 20007 / 202.625.4396 / cell: 703-431-1626 / sarah@ilmworks.org / www.ilmworks.org
13. Henley, Krista, counseling psychologist / co-director, South Bay Organizational Development Network / principal, Corporate Wisdom / team development and core competency training / www.corporate-wisdom.com / 408-605-3021 / Rosella@sbodn.com / http://www.corporate-wisdom.com/bios.html
14. Holman, Peggy / principal / The Open Circle Company / 15347 SE 49th Place / Bellevue, WA 98006 / (425) 746-6274 / www.opencirclecompany.com / peggy@opencirclecompany.com / author / change facilitator / Journalism That Matters co-convenor.
15. Houser, Jan / social-media technology consultant
16. O’Brien, Chris / San Jose Mercury News / Duke Univ. Next Newsroom Project / 631 62nd St. / Oakland CA 94609 / 415-298-0207 /cobrien@mercurynews.com
17. Parr, Barry / Coastsider / P.O. Box 0551 / Montara, CA 94037 / Work: 415-466-0454 / home: 650.523.4929 / http://www.coastsider.com / barry@parr.org / barryparr@gmail.com / Former San Jose Merc executive, IT consultant, owner/publisher of local online news site for coast.
18. Perlstein, Jeff / founder, IndyMedia Center, Seattle / former executive director, The Media Alliance, 1904 Franklin St. – Suite 500 / Oakland, CA 94612 / Work: 510-832-9000 ext. 304 / http://www.media-alliance.org / jeff@media-alliance.org
19. Posada, Mitch / videoblog producer, LatinLounge.TV founder, technologist activist
20. Skees, Sandy / principal, Communications4Good / 1451 Dolphin Dr., Aptos CA 95003 / 831-332-4387 / skees@sbcglobal.net / former partner, Porter Novelli (public relations) / participant, Freedom From Hunger initiative / corporate-social responsibility activist.
21. Stoll, Michael / Lecturer, San Jose State Univ. / 533 Page St. / San Francisco, CA 94117 / (415) 864-1335 cell: 415-846-3983 / http://www.michaelstoll.com/bio.htm / “Grade the News” collaborator /michael@michaelstoll.com
22. Talbot, David / Fenton Communications / San Francisco, CA / former Salon.com editor / 415-265-6473 /dtalbot@fenton.com
23. Zaraysky, Susanna, independent journalist
Bettinger, James R., / Director, John S. Knight Fellowships / Building 120, Room 428 /Stanford University / Stanford, CA 94305-2050 / 650-725-1189 / jimb@stanford.edu
Doctor, Ken, President / Content Bridges / 1812 Dry Creek Road /San Jose CA 95124 / (408) 605-0609 / kdoctor@gmail.com /former vp/strategy, vp/editorial and vp/content
services at Knight Ridder Corp.
Florin, Fabrice / Executive Director / Newstrust / 337 Richardson Way / Mill Valley, CA 94941 / http://www.newstrust.net / fab@newstrust.net / Work: (415) 388-6688 / used to be in key roles at Apple and Macromedia
Funabiki, Jon / Professor / Journalism Dept. / San Francisco State Univ. / HUM 539 / 1600 Holloway Avenue, Humanities 305 / San Francisco CA 94132 / 415-338-3162 / funabiki@sfsu.edu / former newspaper journalist and Ford Foundation program officer / http://www.journalism.sfsu.edu/faculty/funabiki.shtml
Johnson, J. Tom / co-founder / Institute for Analytic Journalism / Santa Fe, NM USA
www.analyticjournalism.com / 505.577.6482(c) 505.473.9646(h) / http://www.jtjohnson.com
Peck, Chris, editor, The Commercial Appeal, former president, American Society of Newspaper Editors and AP Managing Editors; co-convener, Journalism That Matters / 495 Union Ave. / Memphis, TN 38103 / 901-529-2390 / peck@commercialappeal.com
Silha, Stephen, Media/Journalism That Matters, director, Washington News Council, former reporter, Christian Science Monitor and Children’s Express, co-convener, Journalism that Matters / 15810 Shanahan Road SW / Vashon Island, Washington 98070 / www.goodnewsgooddeeds.org / home/office: (206) 567-4363
Jue, Linda / Director / New Voices in Independent Journalism / 222 Sutter St., Suite 600 /San Francisco CA 94108 / (415) 321-1733 / c: 415 -505-5341/formerly ran the Independent Press Association / shangtu@yahoo.com (in New Orleans, overlapping meeting)
Newmark, Craig / founder / Craig’s List / San Francisco craig@craigslist.org