Jtm-sv-bio-Ari Soglin

Ari Soglin
Walnut Creek CA 94598

Ari Soglin is assistant managing editor for online content for Bay Area News Group-East Bay, publisher of the Oakland Tribune (InsideBayArea.com) and ContraCostaTimes.com. He left newspapers in 2000 to become the founding editor of GetLocalNews.com, one of the first citizen journalism networks, and started CitizenPaine.com, one of the earliest blogs on citizen journalism. He also was an active citizen journalist, publishing occasional articles on BeniciaNews.com, the GetLocalNews pilot site and winner of an Online News Association general excellence award in 2002. He was a reporter and editor in the Contra Costa Times chain for 11 years after being a reporter for daily and weekly newspapers in California, from the Central Coast to the Wine Country.