Minnesota News Council
Feeback from New Pamphleteers participants
Presented by The Media Giraffe Project,The Journalism That Matters collaborative,the Minnesota Journalism Centerand the Minnesota News Council, with support of the Blandin Foundation the Mott Foundation and the Park Foundation.
Here are excerpted feedback comments from participants in “New Pamphleteers/New Reporters”:
* “From Mary Treacy, the Minn. Coalition on Government Information:”
“This was an excellent, invigorating, free thinking gathering. Thank you. I learned so much and met some of the world’s best communicators. I had to leave early today so I missed the wrap-up, but I am confident that my sentiments were expressed often and better by my new colleagues. Thank you for all of your work that resulted in a unique and wonderful learning experience for all of us.”
*”From Melissa Cornick, a New Jersey-based video producer:”
“I came to your conference seeking greater knowledge of the world outside of network media and the information available was invaluable . . . You, however inadvertently, provided a moment in my life that I will always value and remember . . . Thanks, again. I had become “the voiceless” and your conference gave me a voice.”
*”From Edward Hodgman, executive director, Understanding Government, Washington, D.C.”
“Thanks so much for a great, great event in Minneapolis. I learned so much and met some amazing people. Thanks again for a great discussion — it was really energizing and educational.”
*”From Dante Chinni, Christian Science Monitor’s Patchwork Nation project director”
“I found the Journalism that Matters conference in MInneapolis to be extrmely helpful in terms of getting a better understanding of what place blogging is and how it can be a partner in newsgathering for the 21st Century. I left with concrete ideas for new partnerships for my employer, The Christian Science Monitor, that we are already acting on.”