Minnesota News Council
Who’s coming — Participants in New Pamphleteers/New Reporters
- Achen, Jeff, online editor, Thisweeklive.com,/ Minnesota SPJ director, Burnsville, Minn.
- Anderson, Richard,founder, VillageSoup.com, Camden/Rockland, Maine (via Skype)
- Ardia, David,director, Berkman Citizen Media Law Projectat Harvard Law School RESOURCES AVAILABLE
- Atlee, Tom,founder, portable stage The Co-Intelligence Institute,Eugene, Ore.
- Arnesen, Arnie, radio/TV talkmaster, professor, blogger, PoliticalChowder.com,Hopkinton, N.H.
- Atlee, Tom, principal, Co-Intelligence Institute, Seattle, Wash.
- Baer-Gutierrez, Fairlight, editor, YourHub.com, Denver, Colo.
- Baldin, Karen, business development director, Media/Professional Insurance, Newtown, Conn.
- Baller, Clinton, Editor, Birmingham Buzz, Birmingham, Mich.
- Barrentine, Jonathan, Minnesota e-Democracy Project, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Bauer, Sarah, director, Minnesota News Council, Minneapolis, Minn
- Belanger, Nicole, multimedia editor, The Media Giraffe Project at UMass, Amherst, Mass.
- Borsch, Steve, blogger and founder, Minnov8.com, Eden Prairie, Minn.
- Caputo, Michael, analyst, Public Insight Journalism, Minnesota Public Radio, Saint Paul, Minn.
- Carder, Justin, owner, Capitol Hill Seattle, Seattle, Wash.
- Chakoian, Lynn, owner/editor / KickTime — news for the Kickapoo Valley, Viroqua, Wis.
- Chinni, Dante, director, Patchwork Nation Project, Christian Science Monitor, Washington, D.C.
- Crist, Lakeshia, client services manager, CBS4 Neighbors 4 Neighbors, Miami, Fla.
- Chakoian, Lynn, local blogger, KickTime.org, Viroqua, Wis.
- Clift, Stephen, E-Democracy.org, local issues forums, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Cornick-Horyn, Melissa, news content producer, Sunnyside, N.Y.
- Cox, Robert, Media Bloggers Association, New Rochelle, N.Y.
- Crist, Lakeshia, client services manager, Neighbors 4 Neighbors, WFOR-CBS, Miami, Fla.
- Curtiss, Tim, CEO, AGS Software Development Inc./The Lakewood Observer, Lakewood, Ohio
- Densmore, Bill, co-collaborator, Greylock Regional Citizen Media
- Dougherty, Geoff, founder/editor, ChiTown Daily News (participated by Skype)
- Densmore, Bill,drector, The Media Giraffe Project and GreylockNews.com, Williamstown, Mass.
- Duffy, Margaret, assoc. dean, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Mo.
- Dallas, Jean, executive editor, Hometown Focus, Virginia, Minn.
- Durham, Scott, Instivate, Seattle, Wash.
- Erickson, Tim, program director, Minnesota e-Democracy Project, Minneapolis, Minn. Twitter global community communications alliance
- Eskelsen, Todd R., attorney/partner, Schiff Hardin LLP, Washington, D.C.
- Fantin, Linda, associate director, Center for Innovation in Journalism, American Public Media, Saint Paul, Minn. (formerly Salt Lake Tribune)
- Ferrier, Michelle, editor, My Topia Cafe, Daytona Beach, Fla.
- Fishburn Clark, Leslie, community radio reporter, Albuquerque, N.M.
- Freivogel, Margaret, editor, St. Louis Beacon, St. Louis, Mo.
- Fuerst, Mark, consultant, Public Media Management / Integrated Media Association, Rhinebeck, N.Y.
- Galant, Debra, editor-in-chief/founder,BaristaNet, Glen Ridge, N.J.
- Gillmor, Dan / Arizona State Univ.; fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School) / ex-SJM columnist
- Grier, Tish, community editor, Placeblogger.com, Easthampton, Mass.
- Hall, Scott, community access coordinator, Kochman Wilmette Northern Community Radio/KAXE, Grand Rapids, Minn.
- Hamilton, Harriet, reporter, Breckenridge, Colo.
- Hansen, Kathleen, director, Minnesota Journalism Center, and “Playing the News” project, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Hanson, Steve, Uppity Wisconsin, Chppewa Guide and owner, Cruiskeen Consulting LLC, Menomonie, Wis.
- Heidelberger, Cory, eDemocracy activist and blogger, Madville Times, Lake Herman, S.D.
- Hodgman, Edward, executive director, Understanding Government, Washington, D.C.
- Holman, Peggy / principal / The Open Circle Company / Bellevue, Wash. / author / change facilitator / Journalism That Matters co-convenor
- Howard, Cody, director, 6News and Citizen Journalism Academy, The World Co., Lawrence, Kan.
- Hughes, George “Pat”, owner, Paulding.com / NeoMaxCom LLC, Dallas, Georgia
- Iggers, Jeremy,executive director, Twin Cities Media Alliance/TC Daily Planet, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Jannene, Jeramey, student/entrepreneur, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, Wis. – Fresh Coast Ventures, LLC – Hyperlocal news site – UrbanMilwaukee.com
- Johnston, Jane, founder/publisher, The Newburgh Advocate, Newburgh, N.Y.
- Joselyn, Bernadine, public-policy & engagement director, The Blandin Foundation, Grand Rapids, Minn.
- Kaner, Elyse, reporter/arts editor, ABC Newspapers, Coon Rapids, Minn.
- King, Donald, Wartburg College professor, blogger, PatchWorkNation.org, Rock Rapids, Iowa
#Kirtley, Jane, director, Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law, University of Minnesota
- Knauss, Dan, local web designer/developer/consultant DBA New Local Mediaand founder of Riverwest Neighborhood Network, Milwaukee, Wis. (Bio page here at JTM)
- Kramer, Joel, CEO and editor, http://www.minnpost.com, Minneapolis, Minn.
- LaPlant, Becky, public policy/engagement, The Blandin Foundation, Grand Rapids, Minn.
- Lund, Diane, health-policy researcher/newsletter publisher, Portland, Ore.
- Ma, Olivia, news manager, YouTube Citizen News Channel, San Bruno, Calif. (VIDEO)
- Mack, Joshua,vp-network, Outside.in,Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Magnuson, Kathy, co-Publisher, Minnesota Women’s Press,Saint Paul, Minn. (story)
- Maguire, Miles, founder, Oshkosh Comunity News Network Inc.,journalism professor, UW-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wis.
- Majka, Sarah,associate editor, The Media Giraffe Project at UMass, Amherst, Mass.
- Maristany Krauss, Nicole, producer, CBS4 Neighbors 4 Neighbors, Miami, Fla.
- Mauter, Erica, co-captain, Minneapolis Metblogs, Eden Prairie, Minn.
- McGill, Doug, director, Largemouth Citizen Journalism Workshops, Rochester, Minn.
- Mcnamara, Brein, technology coordinator, Minnesota North Star Academy, St. Paul, Minn.
- Meagher, Illona, author/writer, ePluribus Media, Caledonia, Ill. (did not attend)
- Melançon, Benjamin, web developer with Agaric Design Collective, blogger, Boston area, person who gives a damn
- Montgomery, Maggie, general manager KAXE-Northern Community Radio, Grand Rapids, Minn.
- Myers, Kate, Event staff intern, Minnesota News Council, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Naff, Chris, coach and new-media blogger, QOE Management Consulting and HumanKind Media, Alamo, Calif.
- Nagy, Antonia, The Ilex Foundation, Boston
- O’Connor, Mike, co-founder of National Federation of Community Broadcasters, Washington, DC; founder of community radion station WORT-FM Madison, WI; local-media fanboy and owner of the domain name PLACE.COM.
- Olsen, Chuck, founder, The Uptake, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Opoti, Julia, writer, Twin Cities Daily Planet, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Orren, Michael, founder, PegasusNews.com, Dallas-Ft. Worth
- Peck, Chris, editor, The Memphis Commercial Appeal, former president, American Society of Newspaper Editors and AP Managing Editors; co-convener, Journalism That Matters / Memphis, Tenn. (tentative)
- Phillips, Patrick, founder and executive director, The Vineyard Voice,West Tisbury, Mass.
- Pommier, Christopher, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Pope, Priscilla, student, Univ. of Minn-Duluth, Roseville, Minn.
- Record, Tracy, editor/co-publisher, West Seattle Blog, Seattle, Wash.
- Reilly, Patrick, attorney/founder, Intellectual Property Society, Aptos, Calif.
- Russell, Brian, blogger, Chapel Hill, N.C.
- Schaffer, Jan, J-Lab/Institute for Interactive Media, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Md.
- Schild, Steven, associate professor, journalism, Sant Mary’s Univ. of Minnesota, Winona, Minn.
- Shawver, Natascha, Main Street Project, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Shaffer, Jim, dean, Univ. of Maine business school, ex-MSM publisher, Portland, Maine (JTM alum)
- Silha, Stephen, Media/Journalism That Matters, director, Washington News Council, former reporter, Christian Science Monitor and Children’s Express, co-convener, Journalism that Matters / Vashon Island, Wash. Also: http://www.goodnewsgooddeeds.org
- Sinreich, Ruby, editor/owner, OrangePolitics.org, Chapel Hill, N.C.
- Snow, Marta, Ilex Foundation, Revere, Mass.
- Sorcan, Polly Ann, school-board director, Eveleth-Gilbert Public Schools, Eveleth, Minn.
- Sorensen, Sally, proprietor, Bluestem Prairie, Hutchinson, Minn.
- Stone, Kathlyn, independent journalist, Saint Paul, Minn. (FP member)
- Thompson, Doug, owner/blogger, Blue Ridge Muse and Capitol Hill Blue, Floyd, Va.
- Thompson, Matt, EPIC co-creator / deputy web editor, The Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn. (did not attend)
- Tippett, Mike, founder/CEO, NowPublic.com (tentative)
- Treacy, Mary, executive director, Minn. Coalition on Government Information, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Trevino, Marisa, USA Today commentator / publisher, Latina Lista, Dallas, Texas / (JTM-DC interview) / (did not attend)
- Turck, Mary, editor, Twin Cities Daily Planet, Minneapolis, Minn.
- Weber, Jonathan, founder/CEO, NewWest.net, Missoula, Mont.
- Waisbren, Harry, co-host, The Forward Forum radio show and blog, Madison, Wis
- Webster, Tony, political-science student, Univ. of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minn.
- Wigley, Griff, Consultant, weapons of mass collaboration; co-host of a community-oriented blog and podcast called Locally Grown; co-founder of Northfield.org/Northfield Citizens Online,in Northfield, Minn.
- Williams, Eesha, author, “Grassroots Journalism”, Brattleboro, Vt.
- Williams, Ross, coordinator, Northern Community Radio Community Internet Project, Grand Rapids, Minn.
- Wilson, Phil, radio programmer, Lakeville, Minn.
- Witt, Leonard, Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication, Kennesaw State University / PJNet.org, Representative Journalism Project