Ken Schreiner adds to the MGP profile:
Ken Schreiner spent 30 years in broadcast news before becoming an independent videographer in 2003. Positions included news director, anchor, reporter, computer, satellite and technological operations manager. Stations included WDIV/Detroit, KARE/Minneapolis, KUSA and KCNC/Denver, WVNY/Burlington VT, WHBF/Rock Island IL, WOTV/Kalamazoo-Battle Creek MI. Awards include reporting, investigation, best newscast, breaking news. He retired from TV in 2003 to start Schreiner Productions. He produces documentaries, videos, blogs and podcasts on environmental and media issues. He performs music soundtracks, speeches, interviews. Shot in Tibet, Belgium, Germany, China, Canada, Maine, Utah, around US and, in 2007, Iceland. He’s based in Utah.