
Tuesday Events

Wednesday convening

  • AUDIO: Breakfast reflections/headlines from participants (13 mins.)

Wed., 9:00 a.m. Break-out Sessions

10:15 am Sessions

12:30 p.m. Sessions

2 p.m. Sessions

3 p.m. Participant reports/next steps
By 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 8, participants in “Journalism That Matters: The DC Sessions” were ready to offer some key reports and insights after multiple breakout sessions and group discussions. Click to go to STREAM OR DOWNLOAD audio page — 34 minutes.

5 p.m. Projects/Next Steps

Before gathering for a “closing circle” wrapup session, “Journalism That Matters: The DC Sessions” participants declared a total of 12 projects undertaken, and invited colleagues to join them for planning breakouts. VIEW PROJECT LIST / (AUDIO)