

Wed., Aug. 8, 5 p.m. — The next steps: Projects spotlighted at JTM-DC
Sessions posted to the news wall (Wednesday)

Before gathering for a "closing circle" wrapup session, "Journalism That Matters: The DC Sessions" participants declared a total of 12 projects undertaken, and invited colleagues to join them for planning breakouts.

JUMP TO AUDIO STREAM/DOWNLOAD PAGEto hear statements. (5:47 mins.)

Here is a list, in the order described in the above audio file, of the projects announced during this session, and the principal involved:

*Chris Peck — Funding and finding a home for the next newsroom

*Linda Jue — Post Katrina recover reporting multimedia project

*Rob Park — Local education news

*Will Bunch — Book, "The News Fix," helping create the next news organization, or "norg."

*Steve Brant — Helping journalism organizations adopt reporting on problem solutions

*Sue Ellen Christian — Museum on collaboration: Online discussion on race

*Tom Warhover — Ninety-day transformation of legacy newsroom into a web-centric rather than print-centric approach.

*Chris O’Brien — Duke University next-newsroom project. What should media center look like?

*Jessica Bynoe — Pushing for youth engagement in everyone’s projects — ages 5 to 25.

*Michael Stoll — The public press, a citizen-journalism project, taking newspapers non-commercial as startups and converting for-profit enterprises.

*Josh Wilson — Turn news you might of missed into a syndicated world news service

*Sarah Hasan — ilmworks creation of cultural dialog; collaborators for 2009 conference at either Santa Clara Univ. of Georgtown on "science, religion and public-policy." And a cit-j project on American Muslims.