Jtm-dc-Steve Peterson

img src=”https://journalismthatmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Steve_Peterson.jpg” alt=”Steve Peterson” />

Steve Petersen
ImpactWatch Associate
Client Services Division
The Bivings Group
site: http://www.bivings.com
blog: http://www.bivingsreport.com

Steve Petersen is a associate consultant at The Bivings Group in Washington,
D.C. His work mainly focuses on advising various organizations — business,
media, and political — about how to maximize their presence on the

With his strong interest in the news media blended with a professional
background in Internet communications, he has participated in several
citizen journalism and communities — most recently NewAssignment.Net’s
Assignment Zero project. Petersen blogs about how news media and politics
operate on the Internet at The Bivings Report

He holds a Bachelor of Arts of International Relations from Brigham Young
University in Provo, Utah that he earned in August 2005.