Understanding Islam

Moderator: Bob Peck, Publisher, The Riverton (Wyo.) Ranger

Reporter: Chris Peck, for the group

Conversation participants

  • Dawn Garcia, Knight Fellowship Program, Stanford University
  • Joe Foote, Director, College of Public Programs in the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Telecommunication, Arizona State University
  • Will Promis, student, Marquette University
  • Chris Peck, Editor, The Spokesman-Review and president, APME.

Key issues raised and discussed

How do we understand Islam? What can newspapers do to inform their readers, and how can reporters and editors themselves become informed?

In America, we have a difficult time walking in the shoes or understanding the perspective of people in other parts of the world.

Patriotism makes it hard, sometimes, to examine why others might resent America and the American way of life.

Telling the story of Islam through real people will be important for the media.

Finding Americans who are Muslim would be a great way to begin to help others understand Islam.

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