Topic: How can we use collaboration between organizations to increase capacity and opportunity for engagement?

Session Host: Heather Bryant

Participant List:
Amy Wang
Jodi Gersh
Andrew Rockway
Mark Blaine
Stephen Silha
Rodney Gibbs
August Frank
Mark Kellman
Jesikah Marie Ross
Gracie McKenzie
Lauren Katz
Pamela Behrsin
Lillian Mongeau


Partner organizations can create value for newsrooms.

How/why should newsrooms work with non-newsroom entities (that often have agendas) Note: The reverse may also be true.

How to create partnerships?

How do we find new partners?

How to work with different kinds of partners? Does it mean something different to work with another newsrooms vs activists vs NGOs?

What is the most successful ways to start?

  • One organization with a great idea finds good partners.
  • Multiple organizations working on similar projects combine forces.

How are partnerships best managed?

What kinds of agreements are necessary?

Benefits and advantages:

  • increased geographic access
  • expertise sharing
  • new audience acquisition
  • expanded reach
  • new kinds of engagement opportunities

Some communities won’t work with a newsroom unless it’s a newsroom that advocates for that community. How can we find that balance while still being journalists.

Collaboration is an opportunity to surface voices that are least represented so that they can be engaged.

Collaboration doesn’t have to be editorial. Collaboration can be around secondary needs like business needs. Ex. Texas Tribune collaborated with partners to jointly cover the cost of a developer to implement Salesforce and MailChimp.

Collaboration should include the sharing of user data (and direction on how that data can and cannot be used) to maximize the value and the engagement.

What are reasonable asks of collaborative partners?

  • User data
  • Analytics
  • Embedding/Credit etc.

Continue the conversation:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to host, Heather Bryant at

About Ashley Alvarado

@KPCC Manager, Public Engagement | @PublicInsight Journalist | Los Cabos Mag Editor | @USCAnnenberg Grad | @JTMStream Board | #UnheardLA | #PDXengage17
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