Posting Session Notes

Post your Session Notes here.

Session Title. Enter in the small text box at the top.
In the larger box, enter:

  • Session Host
  • Reporter
  • Participants
  • Discussion

Optional: in the small box at the bottom of the posting form, describe your session in Tags

Some thoughts about your notes:
• Capture what participants discussed in a way that someone who wasn’t there can understand
• Use whatever form works best for you: words, visual images, photos or others

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One Response to Posting Session Notes

  1. TOPIC:
    How do you frame the success of engagement?
    How do you know it’s successful?
    How does Engagement Affect/Relate to civic Engagement?

    Jesse Hardman/Regina Lawrence
    Sam McCann

    Jesse Hardman
    Andrew DeVigal
    Ben DeJarnette
    Bob Stilger
    Jerome Vaughn
    Daniela Gerson
    Payton Bruni
    Regina Lawrence
    Seth Lewis
    Samantha McCann
    Mark Kellman
    Kathryn Their
    Tom Bray
    Carolel Carmichael
    Laura Gunderson
    Bill Densmore
    Alex Powers
    March Twisdale
    Linda Miller
    Lauren Katz
    Clara Ramirez
    Rodney Gibbs
    Meredith Clark
    Eric Gordon
    Yve Susskind
    Jeremy Hay

    Is it better to formulate preemptive impact statements: Did you achieve your impact goal?


    Is it better to do your work and look back in the rearview mirror and see what happened?

    -Hard to fit into funders expectations of what “should” happen.

    -Learning from how others measure impact: Non-Profits, Corporations

    -How do we create a culture of evaluation?

    -Changing the way projects are conceptualized so audience is brought in to determine/influence impact

    -Engagement as a way to legitimize news orgs

    -outcome harvesting

    -Do we agree that good engagement is listening? Will funders pay for just that exercise?

    -Shift from pitching a project to funders, to asking community, building support for an idea, then selling to funder.

    What about listening to and engaging funders FIRST, from the outset of a project or idea, without asking for money right away…

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